Thanks to several new friends from the Old School Romance Book Club -yeah, I'm looking at you, Lady A!- instead of working on making this pile smaller, it has grown to epic proportions.
The lovely ladies at Under the Covers are obviously suffering from the same dilemma and decided to take one week of each month and dedicate it to whittling away at the stack. No re-reads, which means I will have to do my The Magic of You post ahead of time, and no books published within the last two months.
Since I am off for the entire week of Thanksgiving, I decided that I am going to shoot for a total of 9 books - 6 historical fiction and 3 young adult.
For my historical fiction fix, I am going to (finally) complete Alexandra Hawkins's Lords of Vice series. I mean really, just look at these covers:

I bought my first of these at a thrift store and discovered it was book 7 before I started reading it. I searched for the others, read book 1 All Night With a Rogue, then promptly got distracted by something else. So, starting on November 24th, Till Dawn With the Devil will be on my currently reading list, to be followed by the others.
For my historical fiction fix, I am going to (finally) complete Alexandra Hawkins's Lords of Vice series. I mean really, just look at these covers:
I bought my first of these at a thrift store and discovered it was book 7 before I started reading it. I searched for the others, read book 1 All Night With a Rogue, then promptly got distracted by something else. So, starting on November 24th, Till Dawn With the Devil will be on my currently reading list, to be followed by the others.
As for my YA reads, I can't wait to finally complete the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. I read The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune, but I am so impatient between books that I decided to wait until the final one was out. But I now own all of them, including a couple of British versions and I am looking forward to completing this series as well.

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